Severe Macaws: Facts, Price, And Diet

Last Updated on January 31, 2022

Macaws are generally famous for their large size, but small-sized macaws also exist. Among all mini-macaws, severe macaws are the largest. The multi-colored severe macaws carry all the characteristics that a macaw can have. Let’s take a look at the severe macaw’s Facts, Price, Diet, Life Span, Breeding, and their behavior.

Severe Macaws

Severe macaws are also known as Chestnut-fronted macaws. They are primarily green colored with patches of feathers on their face and wings, which increases their beauty. The severe macaws are very friendly with humans, and they love to live in groups of humans or folks. Among all macaw species, they are considered the loudest. 

Severe Macaws Classification

The scientific name of severe macaws is Ara Severus. Their classification is given below

Kingdom Animalia

Phylum Chordata

Class           Aves

Order           Psittaciformes

Superfamily Psittacoidea

Family           Psittacidae

Subfamily Arinae

Tribe           Arini

Genus           Ara

How Do Severe Macaws Look?

Severe macaws belong to the multi-colored family of macaws. They are mostly covered with light green feathers from the forehead to the tail. In addition, there are small patches of dark-Brown colored feathers on the forehead and the bottom of the beak.

The eyes of severe macaws have black colored pupils with a golden ring. The eyes are covered with grey-white feathers which have black dots on them. These white feathers make the eyes very prominent. The white feathers contrast beautifully with the black beak.

While the body is mainly covered with shimmery green feathers, which continue to their feathers, the feathers also consist of red and blue underside feathers that are very visible while flying. 

Can you differentiate between Male and Female Severe Macaw? 

This is a critical question that comes to mind whenever you see a severe macaw. There is no difference in a male and female severe macaw as they are identical in looks. The only way to differentiate is genetic testing or surgical sexing procedure. 

Voice and speech of Severe Macaws:

Severe macaws are considered as one of the loudest birds. They are fun to watch while talking due to their clarity and high-pitched voice. If you live in an apartment, screams may occasionally disturb your neighbors and those around you. They love to make loud voices in the morning, midday, and at sunset. 

Severe macaws have an extensive vocabulary. They can learn several phrases if they are trained properly. Due to their clear voice, they can mimic human voices better than other macaws. 

Size of severe macaws:

Severe macaws fall in the small-sized macaws. Their total length is only 18 to 19 inches(46 – 48 cm). As a result of their small size, they require comparatively smaller cages than other macaws.

Weight of Severe Macaws :

Mostly weight depends upon the size of the bird as severe macaws are small-sized macaws. They also weigh only 350-400 grams. Their less weight helps them while flying for a very long time. 

Where do Severe Macaws live?

Severe macaws are mostly found on the clay hills along with the river flooding areas of southern Central America and northern South America. They were also introduced in Brazil as Brazilian Green macaws. Their homes and nests are in holes on top of trees.

Severe macaws behavior

The behavior of severe macaws depends on how they are socialized while they are young. If they are socialized well, they can become ideal pets. In addition, their larger-than-life personality makes them a favorite among bird lovers.

They get quickly bonded with their owners, and Severe macaws are not single-person pets which means they can easily get attached to new owners. In addition, if their owner appropriately trains them, they can quickly learn phrases and tricks.

They are curious birds. They don’t like to be touched frequently as they love to sit on shoulders and arms. They also love to play puzzle games and enjoy shiny things, such as jewelry, etc.

They can be aggressive during the bluffing stage. It can take from two weeks to two years for a baby with severe macaw to become an adult. During this stage, they show potential periods of nipping, biting, hissing, and anger while interacting. So during this period, the owner is advised to be patient.

Breeding of severe macaws

During the breeding season, the severe female macaws lay 2-3 eggs. The eggs are taken care of by female severe macaws during the incubation period which lasts for almost 26 days.

After the incubation process, the baby macaw is totally dependent on his parents as they are fed with green stuff, corn, vegetables, and fruits, etc. It takes almost three months for baby macaws to fly from the nests, and they live with their parents for some period to learn how to survive in the wild.

What do Severe Macaws Eat?

Severe macaws eat seeds, nuts, fruits, green-leafy matter, and flowers in the wild. They fly several hundred miles in search of food. A tree’s top is a source of food for them. Additionally, they find food on grasslands and farming lands because these areas can carry a lot of food for these birds.

While they are captive, they must be given balanced food according to their weight and their activity. As a pet, they don’t fly miles, so they need food with less nutrition. A balanced diet carries a balanced proportion of fruits such as grapes, oranges, bananas, mangoes, and papayas with carrots, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, green leaves, and food pellets. 

Health issues of severe macaws

The severe macaws don’t get quickly ill, but if their proper care is not taken, they can be affected by enlisted diseases.

  • Psittacosis
  • Feather picking
  • Proventricular Dilatation Disease
  • Kidney Disease
  • Constricted toe syndrome
  • Viral, bacterial, and fungal infection
  • Pancreatitis
  • Beak malformations

A proper healthy diet can keep all these diseases away.

Caring for severe macaws

Severe macaws need 2 to 3 hours in the open place outside of their cage. During this time period, they fly freely which helps them to stretch their muscles. You can also train them during this time period which plays an essential role in building their personality.

They love to fly and live in flocks. While they are kept as pets, it’s best to make them live with family because this gives them a feeling of flock and group as they don’t tend to be attached to one person.

They are small-sized birds, but they need a big cage for them to play around in. They also need attractive toys so they can play with them. The high-quality food which is fed to them is costly. So the owners must have deep pockets to keep them as pets. 

The lifespan of Severe Macaws

The average lifespan of severe macaws is 30 – 50 years. In the wild, their lifespan is around 30 years due to the hard circumstances they face. While when they are kept as pets, they are properly taken care of and their lifespans almost increase to 50 years.

Are severe macaws endangered? 

According to EOL, the severe macaws are least concerned about being endangered, and their population is stable. This is because they have not faced critical issues as other macaws have faced in the past. 

Price of Severe Macaws

Macaws are generally very expensive, but if you are looking for a macaw that carries all characteristics and the price is also low, you can go for severe macaws. They cost from $1,500 to $2,500. The price also varies depending on the type of breeders you are buying. Reputable breeders are always suggested, but their prices are always high.

Threats for severe macaws

Like all other macaws, severe macaws also face threats that can affect their population in the future.


Severe macaws, while living in forests, face predators such as snakes, eagles, etc. Snakes and eagles target their eggs which create a lot of difficulties in their reproduction. 

illegal Trade

As all macaws are very expensive as compared to other parrots, they are constantly targeted by humans. The severe macaws and eggs are caught and sold illegally. They are small birds, so they cannot be caught easily, but the threat still exists.


Removal of forests has always been an issue for wild birds and animals. So does for severe macaws. The removal of trees means no home for these birds, and this costs the death of these birds. Therefore, organizations have taken a firm stand against deforestation in recent times.

Also read about: Severe Macaw vs. Hahns Macaw

2 thoughts on “Severe Macaws: Facts, Price, And Diet”

  1. My severe Macau is going on 32 years. I always wondered about how long they live. Another web site said 30 years. Glad to know he may still be with us longer.
    He was not loud or yelling most of his life, but the last few years he is.

    Thanks for your web site.


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