Are Striped Sunflower Seeds Good For Macaws?

Last Updated on February 17, 2022

In the wild, macaws eat various seeds for their energy contents. Let’s see if they eat striped sunflower seeds. Are they nutritious for them? What if they eat too many seeds?

Striped sunflower seeds are good for macaws only if they eat in minimal quantities. They are rich in fats, carbohydrates, proteins but deficient in calcium, vitamin A and other nutrients. A macaw may cause obesity and many other illnesses. So, it can not be the primary food of macaws. 

In this article, you can learn the importance of striped sunflower seeds and how you offer the seeds to your macaws. You will know about the number of seeds healthy and safe for macaws. Let’s discuss this in detail.

Striped sunflower seeds are safe for macaws

Macaws can eat striped sunflower seeds because they are safe and full of energy, fat, and protein. The seeds are safe only when taken occasionally as a treat or for training purposes.

In the wild, the macaws are taught to eat the various seeds for their nutrition. Sunflower seeds are one of those seeds the macaws prefer to eat. They consist of more than 50% fats and 35 % protein. 

Striped sunflower seeds are safe for macaws

Macaws are intelligent, but they do not know the safety and nutritional value of the striped sunflower seeds. They just like their taste and fill up their bellies. When the sunflower seeds are in abundance during the season, the macaws can quickly get these delicious seeds in the wild. They love cracking their shells and keeping themselves busy for long.

Wild macaws need more fat than captive birds because the wild macaws have to utilize more energy in a flying, feeding, foraging, playing, breeding, and raising chicks. But the captive macaws have less movement to use the power coming from the seed diet.

Unshelled striped sunflower seeds are healthy

Unshelled striped sunflower seeds are good for macaws if used in moderation along with their routine diet. If we remove the hard outer shell of the striped sunflower seeds, they can not be healthy for macaws if fed regularly to the macaws. 

Sunflower seeds have hard coverings that can be cut and cracked by macaws’ sharp, pointed and curved beaks. They can have fun eating sunflower seeds that are more than a foraging treat.

Unshelled seeds are rich in fats and liked by the macaws as the shells are removed, so no mess is created in the feeding tray or inside the cage. 

Wild macaws do not know the nutritional value of the food. They just fill up the tummy and get satisfied. In certain macaws, weight gain is the main issue when getting only the seed diet.

Shelled striped sunflower seeds

Shelled striped sunflower seeds are a healthy choice for macaws to eat occasionally as a treat. After removing the hard outer covering of the striped sunflower seeds, the thin inner material of the seed, called the kernels or hearts, is edible and full of certain nutrients.

Shelled striped sunflower seeds for macaws

They give excellent and healthy enrichment to the captive macaws. They can chew on them, and putting force to cut and crack them is good to make their beaks strong and well-trimmed. It is not the leading food of macaws due to its sizable fat quantity.

Feeding the shelled seeds after mixing them with other pellets or seed mixes is a good option. But it should not be the primary diet of the macaw. It must be in moderation.

Preparation of striped sunflower seeds to serve 

You must be aware of the nutrition of striped sunflower seeds. You can offer your macaw fresh, raw, or roasted sunflower seeds if needed.

Fresh/raw striped sunflower seeds

After harvesting the striped sunflower seeds, the fresh seeds are perfect and healthy for macaws, but moderation is the essential key point. Overdose can lead to severe health issues.

Macaws can eat small amounts of sunflower seeds only when your macaw is feeding a balanced diet and getting all the essential nutrients. You can also provide the macaws with a seed diet when your macaw is weak and needs more energy.

Roasted striped sunflower seeds

Roasted striped sunflower seeds are also safe but must be in small quantities. Avoid using any salt or oil while roasting the seeds. Oil or salt can be dangerous for macaws. Fats in the seeds are healthy when consumed in adequate amounts.

Roasted striped sunflower seeds for macaws

Roasted striped sunflower seeds are readily available in the market. Macaws like their taste and are also available in small and slender, large and round forms. The larger the size, the better the quality of the seeds will be.

Health benefits

Sunflower seeds are healthy when consumed in small amounts. Several health benefits are:

  • If consumed in moderation, proteins, healthy fats, and antioxidants keep the body strong and away from certain diseases.
  • Vitamin E in seeds improves health and reduces chronic inflammations.
  • Vitamin B1, vitamin B6 keep the macaws energized by converting food into energy.
  • Zinc and selenium are present in sunflower seeds. Moderate amounts of both minerals help macaws maintain good immunity and fight off inflammations and chronic diseases.
  • Selenium maintains the blood flow inside the body, so adequate oxygen is delivered to the whole body. It promotes healthy growth.

Side effects

Besides the benefits of eating the striped sunflower seeds, there are certain risks. If you want to keep your macaw healthy and active, avoid feeding too many seeds daily.  You should offer the seeds in moderate amounts. Harmful effects of eating the striped sunflower seeds are:

Side effects of sunflower seeds for macaws
  • High fats lead to an increase in weight that causes obesity and fatty liver disease.
  • Some macaws show allergic reactions like itching, skin rashes, coughing, sneezing, and sore throat when they overeat these seeds.
  • Overfeeding of fat-rich seeds may cause atherosclerosis. If not treated timely, it may lead to heart damage.
  • The macaws feeding mainly on sunflower seeds become deficient in calcium and vitamin A.
  • Calcium deficiency leads to egg binding, weak bones, and feathers. It also affects egg production.
  • Vitamin A deficiency can cause eye lesions, less growth, low immunity, and a lack of muscle coordination.
  • Selenium can be toxic in excess.


Macaws can eat both shelled and unshelled striped sunflower seeds because of their high energy contents. Because of high-fat content, the macaws can suffer from obesity, fatty liver diseases, and many allergic reactions depending upon the immunity level of the macaws. Sunflower seeds are rich in fat, protein, and carbohydrates but deficient in vitamin A and calcium necessary for the macaws. During breeding, macaws need more fat and calcium diet to produce good quality eggs and at the time of hatching mortality rate is less. Do not feed the sunflower seeds solely to your macaws. It should be in moderation.

Also Read About: Are Raspberries Good For Macaws?

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