Can Macaws Eat Acorns? Is It Good For Them?

Last Updated on February 9, 2022

Macaws eat different nuts as a source of energy, vitamins and minerals. Do you know about acorns or oak nuts? Can macaws eat oak nuts? Is it equally beneficial for the macaws as other nuts? Is there any poisonous material  inside the acorns?

Macaws can not eat raw acorns because of a poisonous compound tannins. Acorns are highly nutritious and contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fibers, vitamins and minerals. Only cooked and dried acorns are safe for macaws if prepared properly after washing and boiling.

Raw acorns are poisonous for macaws but some wild species of parrot eat acorns in small amounts. Here you need to know why it is poisonous? Can macaws eat cooked or processed acorns? Can it be safe for their health?

Along with this you must know the nutritive value of acorns? In which forms do macaws eat? How can you make acorns safe for the macaws? So let’s move further.

Can macaws eat raw acorns?

Macaws can not eat raw acorns although they contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, vitamins A and E, and several other important minerals and compounds. They are a good source of fibers and antioxidants.

Acorns are highly nutritious for humans but in moderate amounts. As it is low calories and high fats food. Some of the wild species of parrots like amazons can eat acorns. The one reason behind this is their abundance in the wild during fall and in early spring.

Are raw acorns poisonous for macaws? Why?

Raw acorns are poisonous for macaws because of tannins which is poisonous for macaws if consumed even in small quantities.

Tannins can affect the body function and reduce its ability to absorb the essential nutrients that are useful for the proper growth and maintaining the health of macaws. Tannis can be harmful if consumed in high amounts. 

Are raw acorns poisonous for macaws

So, do not feed oaknut to your macaw. It is not safe for macaws and can cause health issues if taken mistakenly. They cause;

  • Nausea
  • Upset stomach
  • Constipation
  • Allergies like bad throat, itching, watery eyes and difficulty to breathe.

Can macaws eat cooked acorns? Are they safe?

Macaws can not eat raw macaws. But they can eat cooked acorns. If you remove tannins from acorns. They become safe for macaws because of all other safe nutrients except tannins. 

Cooking can damage the tannins. Ultimately acorns do not contain the tannins because they are leached out after soaking and boiling.

How do you cook acorns to make it safe for macaws?

Acorns are rich in proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. You can make them safe for the macaws after soaking and boiling. Through this process,  bitterness of acorns can be reduced or abolished.

  • Get the acorns, readily available and free of cost in the wild. 
  • Take brown acorns that are fully mature and their caps are still attached.
  • Do not take green, unripe acorns as they have more tannins than full mature acorns.
  • Wash with fresh water carefully to remove any dirt or contaminants.
  • Discard the rotten nuts.
  • Remove the hard shells using a nutcracker.
  • Allow the acorns to boil in a pot for 5 minutes. The water turns dark brown due to tannins.
  • Strain the nuts and discard the dark water. Repeat this step until the water becomes clear. All the tannins leach out from the acorns and now they are safe to use.
How do you cook acorns to make it safe for macaws

You can feed your macaw these boiled acorns with no tannins when cooled. Like other nuts, they should be added in moderate amounts in the diet. Only a few nuts once a week are sufficient.

Can macaws eat roasted acorns?

Macaws can eat roasted acorns. After boiling, the tannins are leached out and the nuts are considered safe to eat. You can roast them in the oven at 190°C for 15–20 minutes and offer them to macaws as a nutritious snack. 

Offer only a moderate amount of roasted acorns.

Can macaws eat dried acorns?

Dried acorns are good for macaws. They can be collected from forests free of cost. The boiled acorns are dried under the sun and can be fed as yummy, crunchy food.

It should be in small amounts as a supplement along with their daily food.

Are acorns useful for wild macaws?

Most larger parrots like hyacinth macaws can eat nuts and seeds in their diet because of high protein and fats. Some nuts like walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and peanuts are safe in moderate amounts. Acorns are not safe for macaws except for a few wild species of parrots like amazons in small amounts.

Acorns are the fruit of oak trees which are more abundant in the wild. Some wild parrots are used to forage for these acorns and eat them. Not only acorns are poisonous but the leaves, bark and wood of oak trees are also unsafe for macaws.

Are acorns useful for wild macaws

In the wild, some parrots pick and drop acorns and use them as chew toys. They never ingest them because they have learnt about the safe foods from their parents. They just chew and throw to be active with physical and mental exercise.

Nutritional benefits of soaked and boiled acorns

Both soaked and boiled acorns are nutritionally good and beneficial for macaws as they are free of tannins, the bitter and irritating compound that is poisonous for macaws. 

Soaking and boiling the acorns in warm water for a few hours can reduce harmful effects of the tannins. 

After boiling the acorns are still nutritious and provide good amounts of proteins, iron and potassium. It also acts as the natural antioxidant.

There are a lot of nuts and seeds that are safe for macas but if acorns are easily available to you then avoid giving too much to your macaw. 

Only small amounts of acorns can be added weekly. Soaked and boiled acorns help macaws to;

Nutritional benefits of soaked and boiled acorns for macaw
  • Strengthen the bones and muscles
  • Improves the immunity
  • Reduced the risk of diseases
  • Improves the digestive system.


Hence, the raw acorns are not safe because of tannins that are poisonous compounds present inside the acorn seed. If ingested, it causes different allergies, nausea, upset stomach and defects in respiratory tract. Only soaked, boiled, cooked and processed acorns can be safe as they are lacking tannins. Soaking in warm water is much better than boiling as some minerals are lost during boiling.

Also Read About: Can Macaws Eat Apples?

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