Can Macaws And Cockatoos Live Together?

Last Updated on December 4, 2022

Macaws and cockatoos are the largest parrot species in the world and both are adorable. This is why some parrot keepers want to keep both. But given their different natures, and sometimes aggressive nature, parrot keepers wonder whether they will get along or not. I have been through this and here is what I have experienced:

Macaws and cockatoos of the same size can live together but it is not certain. If they have a calm nature and they are introduced properly, they can live together without fighting. Otherwise, they can be messy and cause severe harm to each other.

What should be kept in mind while adding a new parrot to macaw?

Macaws are socialized and live in flocks of 20-25 members in the forests. In captivity, they stay bonded with their mates or the owners.  If you feel your macaw is getting bored with all the right and appropriate facilities then there is a need to add a new bird into the family.

You should consider the following factors while adding a new beard with your macaw.


Macaws usually do not get along with other parrot species because of their unique behavior during breeding. 

They become aggressive and territorial in this season and can not bear the presence of similar species of same or opposite sex even untill you have a lot of experienc in macaw handling during breeding.


Before introducing the new pet, consider the size of the existing pet. Macaws are of large size and can not live comfortably with the smaller species because of the danger of biting a smaller bird when they get aggressive.

Size of macaw and cockatoo

So, keep in mind the size of the new bird should be similar to the existing captive bird. It will take less time to get associated with you and surrounding.


If a young bird of the same or different species is introduced to the existing macaw species.  The adults become dominant over the younger ones and sometimes threaten thereby reducing the capacity of living together. Age of the new bird must be according to the existing bird. 

Proper introduction to new situation

Proper Introduction of a young macaw is good for the owner because it is easy to tame and get adapted to the new situation with relatively less effort. Compatibility of two different birds in the new situation depends on the way they are introduced to each other. 

What happens when a cockatoo is introduced to the macaw? Let’s discuss the proper way of introducing a new bird cockatoo to the existing bird macaw. 

Firstly, get a cockatoo of the same size and age from some reliable source. You can get a  cockatoo from reliable breeders or pet owners. Then,

Proper introduction to new situation
  • Consult the vet if it is healthy and does not contain the germs of any contagious disease.
  • Provide 2-6 weeks quarantine time to a new bird that is a cockatoo.
  • Place the cage of the cockatoo near the macaw cage. See how they respond to each other. Within a few days they used to see each other. They start showing expressions towards each other.
  • If they raise their heads towards each other and produce jentle voice then they can accept each other with time and can be kept in the same cage when needed.
  • If they preen and show aggressiveness then this is not good to keep them together. In this case allow them to live in separate cages.
  • In the first case, bring the cockatoo cage near the macaw cage and open up the doors. Again observe the behaviour of two birds towards each other. When you feel they are accepting of each other, spending time eating and playing together, keep them in the same cage after 5-6 days.

It is possible to keep two birds of different species but it needs a lot of time and attention along with the experience.

Owner’s ability

Raising cockatoos and macaws together is not so easy. It can be possible but needs a lot of money to meet the expenses of raising them, time to spend with these species and management skills of the owner. Only an experienced owner can manage the handling of both macaws and cockatoos.

Are macaws and cockatoos good pets?

Both are considered as good pets because of their beauty, intelligence and companionship.

They are good only if the owner has no issue with money and is dedicated towards his pets.

Are macaws and cockatoos good pets

Both make bonds with their owners but cockatoo are more possessive. They feel lonely if the owner goes out for even a shorter period of time. It becomes depressed and starts to pluck its feathers due to anxiety.

Macaws are louder and need less physical attention than a cockatoo. They are good with the owner who is rich, experienced and patient.

Can macaws and cockatoos live together?

This is possible but not guaranteed. Both have different personalities with some similar traits. If both come in the same situation, when young they learn to stay together in the same place and do their daily chores. 

They tend to associate and make bonds with the owner very early if provided proper care, attention and love. 

Through research, we have observed that many pet owners have the macaws and cockatoos in the same cage, living in harmony but their requirements are high. They need continuous supervision also.  

If you too are concerned with getting both birds together, it would be a good option to study the social needs of both birds that include well spaced appropriate and airy cages, enough space to play and plenty of well balanced diet is available along with fruit, vegetables, seeds and nuts.

Can macaws and cockatoos live together

Macaws become aggressive when they are about to lay eggs and tend to bite other birds. Their bite is very dangerous and can tear the skin and feathers of others who come in contact with them. 

If you are experienced you can understand the unique behavior of macaws and handle them accordingly. 

Similarly, cockatoos are very aggressive when left alone in the cage. They start preening and irritating, sometimes feather plucking. This would be destructive if not managed. An experienced owner can understand the nature of its pet and can manage it without causing them ill due to severe feather loss.


Hence, macaws and cockatoos can stay together to some extent depending upon their personality traits, age, size, the way they are introduced to each other and the owner’s experience. Both are good pets and need a lot of attention, but cockatoos require more time to spend with the owner and they tend to be ill or aggressive if left alone. While macaws are less possessive and need less physical interaction than the cockatoos. So, putting two different birds in the same cage is very tricky and only a highly experienced owner can control the adverse conditions.

Also Read About: Are Macaws Sensitive To Cockatoo Dust?

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