Are Papaya Seeds Safe For Macaws?

Last Updated on February 17, 2022

Papaya fruit is a very healthy and safe diet for the macaws. Let’s see whether papaya seeds are beneficial for macaws? Can macaws eat papaya seeds without any risk of toxins?

Can they eat whole seeds?

Papaya seeds are safe and nutritious for macaws as they contain proteins, fats, fiber, and antioxidants. The seeds are also used in pellet mixes for macaws. It should be in moderate amounts because excess amounts can damage cells and DNA. A few sources per week are sufficient to keep the macaws healthy.

As you know, the macaws can eat the seeds, but how many of the seeds are suitable for macaws. How often should a macaw eat papaya seeds? Are there any health problems? Let’s discuss this in detail.

Papaya seeds are safe for macaws

Papaya seeds are nutritious and healthy for macaws because they are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fibers. They are also packed with antioxidants that are essential for the excellent health of the macaws.

In the wild, macaws can eat the entire fruit whenever they want. Their sharp and strong beaks are adapted to pierce the fruit and tear it apart. They can extract the seeds and eat them too. 

But in captivity, you can offer the seeds in different ways.

Fresh or raw seeds

Take a fully ripe papaya fruit, cut it into two halves and extract the seeds from the inner side of the fruit. The seeds are tiny and black. They are covered with a thin and waxy membrane. Wash the seeds carefully with fresh water and rub the seeds with your hand.

Fresh or raw seeds for macaws

Rubbing can help you separate the seeds from the waxy layer over the seeds. As they are clean, offer a few seeds to your macaw separately or along with other fruits.

Raw seeds are very healthy as they are fresh with a spicy and peppery flavor that differs from other fruits. The new flavor enhances the demand for eating various foods. That is why the macaws can eat and chew on these seeds more conveniently.

Dried seeds

Fresh raw seeds can be sun-dried and offered to macaws to get their nutrition. Once you extract the seeds, wash them thoroughly to remove the waxy outer covering by gently rubbing the seeds.

Fresh seeds are then kept indoors, where more sunlight is received. Within 4-5 days, the seeds can be thoroughly dried. You can now store these dried seeds in an air-tight container and keep them in a dry place as humidity can cause molds to grow and affect macaws’ health.

Offering a spoon full of dried seeds once a week or mixing it with other seed mixes can help macaws get health benefits.

Ground seeds

Grind them and mix them with other seeds if you have dried seeds. You can give this seed mixer to your macaw twice a week. Only a spoon of these seed mixes per week would be sufficient. 

But if your macaw is feeding pellets bought from the market that already contains the seeds of different fruits. So, avoid giving too much seed to prevent harmful health conditions.

You can sprinkle a pinch of powdered dried papaya seeds over the daily diet of the macaw. It can add additional seasoning flavor to their daily diet.

Seeds of green papaya 

You know the papaya seeds are very health beneficial for macaws only if the fruit is fully ripe. All the essential nutrients are present in their best form in ripe fruits, and effectiveness is maximum.

When un-ripe green papaya is cut, the seeds are white and soft rather than the hard, crunchy, and black seeds of fully ripe papaya. The seeds of green papaya are not edible.

Seeds of green papaya for macaws

The soft white seeds contain latex, which produces an enzyme called papain, which can disturb the digestive system of macaws and sometimes cause allergies depending upon the health of macaws. So, it is better to avoid the seeds of green papaya.

How many papaya seeds can a macaw eat daily?

3-5 seeds daily would be sufficient. To get good results, you can serve the ground or powdered seeds and other seed mixtures. If you are already giving the pellets to your macaw, check the ingredients, most manufacturers also use papaya seeds in shells.

If a macaw is feeding on pellets containing the papaya seeds, you can give one spoon of papaya seeds per week to your macaw for additional energy.  If you have powdered seeds, then sprinkle a pinch over the daily feed.

Health benefits of papaya seeds

Seeds of ripe mature papaya fruits are very beneficial for macaws. Several health benefits are:

  • Seeds have a significant contribution towards the better health of macaws.
  • Traces of Vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus, helps to strengthen the body structure.
  • Seeds contain campaigns that can kill the fungi and parasites in the stomach of macaws.
  • Polyphenols, alkaloids, flavonoids, and tannins are antioxidants present in papaya seeds. They can reduce the incidence of different diseases by increasing immunity.
  • Seeds can remove the excess fluid from the body and improve the function of the kidneys.
  • Fibers in seeds can help regulate the digestive system of macaws.
  • Regular bowel movement helps macaws to stay safe from constipation.
  • Seeds have antiseptic properties and can effectively treat aspergillosis, Giardia, and scaly face mite diseases.
  • Essential nutrients and minerals improve heart health and liver functioning.
  • The crunchy texture and fibers aid them to chew on them for some time. That will help macaws to stay active and mentally satisfied.
Health benefits of papaya seeds for macaws

Side effects of eating papaya seeds

Papaya seeds are suitable for macaws unless they are in moderate amounts. Daily consumption can lead to several health issues. Besides the benefits, specific side effects are:

  • Over-dose of papaya seeds can cause allergies in macaws depending upon the health conditions of the macaws. Allergies may include diarrhea, vomiting, swelling, itchiness, skin rashes, and shortness of breath.
  • Allergies lead to stress which is not a good sign.
  • Sometimes, dried seeds get molds and severely affect the health of macaws. Keeping the dried seeds in an air-tight container in a dry, cool place is necessary. 
  • Excess feeding can lead to obesity because of fat in seeds.
Side effects of eating papaya seeds for macaws


Macaws can eat papaya seeds containing vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, fibers. Papaya seeds are full of antioxidants that keep the macaws away from several diseases. The seeds have anti-inflammatory properties and can kill parasites and fungi. Raw, dried, ground and powdered seeds are safe for macaws, but they should be from a ripe, yellow, mature papaya fruit. Green papaya seeds are not safe even in small quantities because of latex. So, use the seeds of fully grown, ripe papaya full of energy. Avoid overeating. Only 3-5 seeds mixed with the daily seed mixes are enough.

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