Rare white [Albino] blue and gold macaw: Looks, Diet, Breeding, and Behavior

Last Updated on January 31, 2022

Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaws were the South American Parrots. They were very attractive and unique parrots, and they were highly social and talkative. They had a graceful white appearance, which seemed like a fairy. They were large-sized unique parrots having pure white feathers in their whole bodies. 

These parrots were members of a large group of Neotropical parrots (Macaws). These parrots usually went to places where the weather was warm. They prefer to nest in the rainforests or woodlands of South America. 

These unique Albino White parrots had extremely graceful white feathers and black striped patterns around their eyes. Their appearance, behavior, breeding, diet, lifespan, etc., will be explained in detail in this article.

Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaw:

These parrots were incredibly intelligent, humble, and attractive, but sometimes they acted a little bit nippy. But they were always lively and entertaining. Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaws fed on a diet that was full of fats. Their beak was large and powerful, which can crack and crush the nuts easily.

Their habitat was in South American rainforests and woodlands, specifically the Tropical rainforests, woodlands, and savannah of South America. They were fond of vegetation and watercourses.

These Macaw parrots live up to 30 to 35 years of age, and it would be more than this if they were cared for properly. They shared a strong bond with their owners and family members. Once you were attached to bonding, never think of abandoning them. Otherwise, they had become ill. Like humans, they were very sensitive to their behaviors.

Scientific Name of Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaw:

  • Scientific Name: Ara- Ararauna
  • Family: Psittacidae
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Genus: Ara
  • Class: Aves
  • Order: Psittaciformes

These parrots were Albino (Pure white appearance), and they belonged to a similar family of Blue and Gold macaws. 

What Does a Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaw Look like?

Rare white Albino Blue and Gold Macaws were 34 to 35 inches (85 to 90 cm) in length and their weight was about 900  to 1200 grams (2 to 2.7 Ibs). Almost all of their feathers were White from the upper as well as on the undersides.

These parrots had graceful wings, and when they spread their wings, it seemed like there were white clouds in the sky. These parrots had a long wingspan of about (102 to 112.5 cm) 41 to 45 inches. They had a white face and black striped patterns around their eyes.

Their beaks were grey with blackish tones, and feathers on the underside of their chin were Black. They had a small black patch on their throats. They had Gray and Black, Zygodactylous feet (two toes are pointing forward, and two toes are pointing backward). 

In general, their facial features were very similar to Blue and Gold macaws, and they had the Hybrids of it. It might be possible that there were slight variations in their appearance. In their pure white color, there were subtle additions of a few colors in their wings and beaks, etc.

They had strong beaks which had the power to crack the nuts and break seeds easily. Their feet really helped them to maintain their balance while sitting on large trees. They had dark greyish Black beard feathers under their chin. 

Vocalization of Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaw:

Generally, all Macaws have louder vocals; Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaws were also very noisy parrots. They used to give louder calls, and they love to play and talk with their human fellows. They screamed when they felt some danger around them, and they were noisy parrots.

These parrots were very noisy, and if you had grouchy neighbors and you lived in a small apartment. Their loud calls will disturb them very much. If there were many neighbors left to right up down the side of you, or if you have shared accommodation, then these birds may not be for you.

Generally, all birds are noisy, but their noise was controlled by giving them training. They had the ability to mimic beautifully; it all depended upon their training.

Weight & Size of Rare White [Albino]  Blue and Gold Macaw

Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaws were one of the largest parrot species. They were about 85 to 90 cm (34 to 35 inches) in length. Their long tail also gives them a significant look. These parrots weigh about 900  to 1200 grams (2 to 2.7 Ibs). They had a large wingspan, which was about (102 to 112.5 cm) 41 to 45 inches.

Where Do Rare White [Albino]  Blue and Gold Macaws Live?

Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold macaws were native to South America. These parrots were found in Peru, Bolivia, and Paraguay and in some parts of Central America, in Panama. They move to areas where they get warm weather.

They had a wide range of areas in which they lived. They prefer to live near watercourses, and mainly they were found in tropical rainforests of South America. They were primarily found in the forests and woodlands of central America. 

They used to nest in tall trees and form cavities inside them. Their preferred tree for their nesting and roosting was Mauritia Flexuosa Palms. They formed cavities in the dead Mauritia Flexuosa Palms and nested in the cavities. 

In the early 190s, unfortunately, their population was nearly wiped out from all these regions. There was not a single protection program that started at that time, which led to their Extinction. 

The list of those areas which were the habitat of 

  • South and Central South America
  • South American Rainforests
  • Venezuela, south of Peru
  • Guyana
  • Trinidad
  • Brazil
  • Bolivia
  • Tropical Woodlands
  • Savannah
  • Paraguay
  • Mauritia flexuosa Palms

What Does Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaw Eat? 

Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaws were very selective in their diet. These parrots ate a wide range of Fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts. Their meal was fresh and organic. They wanted their food to be as colorful as they were, So they ate mixed food. They liked their vegetables to be well chopped.

They liked carrots, radishes, and chilies as a whole to eat. These parrots had a selective diet, and sometimes it became complicated. Dumping a bowl of nuts and seeds in the cage and leaving for the whole day would not be beneficial. 

Giving them a proper and healthy diet was very important for their development and growth. A healthy diet affects their feathers’ growth, learning power, and behavior, etc. They loved to eat fresh fruits and vegetables like Berries, Broccoli, Chilli, and other green vegetables. 

They love to eat fruits from their favorite tree, Mauritia flexuosa Palms. The fruits from these palms are full of nutritional qualities. These macaws also needed a good variety of pellets in their diet. Mauritia Flexuosa Palms were highly enriched with beta carotene and fats.

 They were large-sized birds, so they needed a Nutritionally balanced diet. They also loved to eat Berries and diet pellets of Lafeber’s premium daily diet. These parrots must be served food with fresh water and never forget to change their water on a daily basis.

They liked fresh veggies and fruits but never gave you pet Advogados and Apple seeds because they were very harmful to them. The list of Rare white [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaws’ food is following:

  • Seeds
  • Chilli
  • Broccoli
  • Fruits of Mauritia Palms
  • Other fresh fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Peas
  • Corn
  • Beans
  • Carrot
  • Spinach
  • Nuts
  • Berries
  • Nutri Diet Pellets
  • Clay licks

While eating, they took some toxic seeds which had harmful chemicals. These smart parrots can detoxify these chemicals. They ingest mineral riched clay known as Clay Licks, which protect them from toxic chemicals. These chemicals were bound with clay in their digestive system, which protected them from toxins.

The lifespan of Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaw:

Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaw had their lifespan  up to 30 to 35 years of age, and in some cases, it had been observed that they lived more than 35 years.

Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaws as a pet:

Parrots are always very charming pets, and Macaws are highly demanded pets in the world. They were very attractive pure white and highly social parrots. Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaws were among one of the beautiful parrot species of Macaws. Some Macaws are very good pets, and some are nippy pets.

They had loud vocals, and they were noisy parrots. It was not possible for you to keep these parrots as a pet, if you had a small apartment. These parrots were best when you interacted with them and gave them proper attention.

They were trained very well, they were quick learners and can perform many tricks. They had loud vocals and scream and scratch, but you can control their loud calls after training. They were llarge parrots, and they needed plenty of space for living.

Breeding Behavior of Blue and Gold Macaw

Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaws were affectionate parrots, and they mate for life. Their Breeding season started from November till March. They were Monogamous in nature, and they form pairs and are often seen with their mates and in flocks.

They were often seen as Preening and feeding each other. They formed their cavities in large Palm trees, and mostly they lived together. Male Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaw displayed brighter and bolder colors when they were ready for breeding.

Their average clutch was about 2 to 3 eggs, and sometimes they laid only one egg. The female had incubated the egg for 29 days, both the parents took care of the nest and gave food to protect the baby bird. 

The Baby white Parrots fled up to 4 months of age, and they remained with their parents for about one year. These baby parrots reach sexual maturity at the age of 3 to 6 years.

The population of Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaw:

The Population status of Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaw is that they are entirely extinct now. Unfortunately, there is not a single parrot that can be found in the wild and in captivity. 

Factors that lead Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaws to extinction:

There were many factors that led them to extinction. Illegal bird trade, colonization, deforestation, habitat destruction, poaching, and hunting were the reason that now these parrots are no more in the world.

Habitat Destruction Of Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaw:

These parrots faced habitat loss in the early 190s. Major Mauritia Flexuosa Palms and other trees were cut down. The people destroyed other river basins and forests. People utilize trees for living and land for livestock grazing.

From these areas, trees were removed, which were the ultimate source of their living. The gradual disappearance of their habitat started decreasing their population. Ultimately their habitat had lost, and they became extinct.

Hunting of Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaws:

The Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold Macaws are very unique white-feathered parrots. They had become the victim of Hunters’ hunting in the early 19th century. They were very unique parrots, and their pure white appearance really attracted the hunters and pet traders. 

Hunters hunt them to get their meat, and they pluck their feathers for sale purposes. Due to their unique feathers, they had been captured by the locals and hunters. Due to excessive hunting, they lost their existence.

Illegal pet Trading Of Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold macaws:

The appearance of graceful Rare White [Albino] Blue and Gold macaws was the biggest reason they became the victim of pet trading. These magnificent white parrots were frequently captured from the wild by pet traders.

Their Fairies-like appearance was so delightful that it could stop anyone and make them take notice of these parrots.

These Macaws are large-sized, and they have unique qualities. Due to Illegal pet trading, they reach the extent of their endangerment, and now they are entirely extinct. 


The graceful white parrots were one of the unique parrot species of Macaws. Rare white [albino] blue and gold macaws were the hybrid of Blue and Gold Macaws, and they had many similar qualities except for their pure white appearance. Their facial features were also the same.

Hybrids always have low competency to develop themselves and live longer as compared to the pure species. It might be the reason for their extinction along with the many factors which are explained above.

Also read about: Blue and Gold Macaw: Looks, Diet, Breeding, and Behavior.

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