Lear’s macaw vs. Hyacinth macaw vs. Glaucous macaw: What’s the difference?

Last Updated on July 28, 2022

Lear’s, Hyacinth, and Glaucous macaws all look similar as they belong to the same species of macaws. But they have some differences that help identify each of them; I have discussed all those differences in this article.

Generally, Hyacinth macaws are larger than Lear’s macaws, and Lear’s macaws are larger than Glaucous macaws. Their colors and the yellow path on their face are also a bit different.

If you watch them from a distance, their colors look the same, but if you look closely at the images, Hyacinth macaws are deep blue, Lear’s macaws are purplish (indigo), and Glaucous macaws are greenish-blue in color.

Apart from their overall size and color, they have certain other differences that I have listed below.

DifferenceLear’s MacawHyacinth MacawGlaucous Macaw
Size750 cm 100 cm70 cm
ColorIndigo (purplish-blue)Cobalt (deep) BlueBlue (Greenish Tones)
DietLicuri PalmAcuri and Bocaiuva PalmYatay palm
Weight950 grams1200-1700 grams900  grams
Place of yellow patchNear beakNear lower jawNear beak and eye
Lear’s Macaw vs Hyacinth Macaw vs. Glaucous Macaw

Physical Differences

Apparently, they have the same structure and other physical traits, but they are different.

Feathers (Plumage)

Nature has created a wide variety of colors and patterns in the feathers of Macaws. The feather size and practices of every parrot are different from others. 

  • Lear’s macaws have dark purplish-blue (Indigo) colored plumage.
  • Hyacinth macaws are charming deep blue in color. Due to the reflection of light, their feathers sometimes look greyish-black.
  • Glaucous macaws are light blue in color with greenish tones. Moreover, there are some sea-green patches on their feathers.


  • Lear’s macaws are the smallest among all. Lear’s macaws are about 75 cm long and weigh 950 kg.
  • Glaucous macaws are 70 cm long and weigh about 900g. They are smaller than both Lear’s and Hyacinth macaws.
  • Hyacinth macaws are the largest parrot species of all. They are 100cm long and weigh about 1200 to 1700 grams.


  • Lear’s macaws have strong beaks, and the color of their beak is black with greyish tones.
  • Glaucous macaws have narrow and greyish black beaks.
  • Hyacinth macaws have black beaks with a yellow patch at the base of the beak. Their beak and yellow patch make it look like they are constantly smiling.

Yellow Patch

All of them have a yellow patch near their beak, but the shape and color of the patch are key differences.

  • Lear’s macaws have a tear-like patch. 
  • Glaucous macaws have a slightly wide and short patch.
  • Hyacinth macaws have extended yellow patches along the base of the lower bill and on the borderline of their beak.

Habitat & Endangerment Status

  • Lear’s macaws are found in Bahia, which is a small state in the North-Eastern Brazilian state. They are also found in the Arid Thorn forest and, deep canyons, desert plateaus. Lear’s Macaws are greenery lovers and are often found in green places. Moreover, Lear’s macaws are an endangered species and work is being done to restore their status.
  • Glaucous macaws were first seen in Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil. But then, they existed in subtropical gallery forests, with cliffs and lightly wooded palm-rich savannas too. There they used to feed on the nuts of the palms of Butia yatay. Sadly Glaucous macaws are extinct; they no longer exist in the world.
  • Hyacinth macaws naturally exist in some parts of Brazil, Eastern Bolivia, and Northeastern Paraguay. They prefer living in Tropical rainforests that have palm swaps and flooded grasslands. Most Hyacinth Macaws are found in the Pantanal region. Like Lear’s macaws, Hyacinth macaws are also endangered and they are vulnerable to extinction.

Behavior as Pets

  • Lear’s Macaws are social, lively, affectionate, and mischievous parrots. They enjoy being involved in activities, and that’s why they make the best pets of all three types.
  • Glaucous Macaws are gentle and lively. They can perform many tricks and mimic vocalizations after training. They are very charming birds and behave nicely if their sharp voice is ignored.
  • Hyacinth Macaws are considered gentle giants as they are giant in size but have a very gentle nature. They are very affectionate birds and remain close to their partners.

Final Thoughts

All three types of this family are beautiful in their own way. They have minor differences, but these differences make them unique. If you are looking to buy one as a pet, go for the Hyacinth macaw.

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